Schnitger Corporation

Strategic Discovery — Market Research & Insight

Super quick RSS update

Do you still use RSS, Real Simple Syndication? I do -- it's an old-fashioned way of finding out who's written what without going to each blog site. Unfortunately, fewer websites are creating RSS feeds, and so the tools that we used to rely on no longer work (ahem ......

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DS starts PLMish earnings on a down note

And here we go—it’s the start of the third calendar quarter, which means we’ll hear from the publicly traded PLMish companies about how the second quarter went and what they expect for the rest of 2025. I admit, I didn’t see this one coming since general trends had...

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Tech Soft 3D adds Theorem to its portfolio

Tech Soft 3D just announced that it's buying Theorem Solutions, makers of advanced CAD data translators and publishing tools. I'm most recently aware of their Theorem XR, which builds on their 30 years of repurposing 3D data via translators and publishing tools. At a...

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Autodesk: everything is fine; nothing to see here

A quick update since so many of you have asked: On Friday, Autodesk said it had concluded its investigation into free cash flow and operating margin calculations and that there would be no restatement or adjustment of any previously released financial statements. In...

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