What, exactly, is a seat?
A few weeks ago I pointed out that most public companies put information into their earningsreleases that leads to ... shall we say, less than clarity?Autodesk is a champion at providing reams of information that turn out to be not so useful. Inits fiscal second...
Cool stuff in Pittsburgh
ANSYS held its bi-annual user event in Pittsburgh last week - Pittsburgh in late August? -forroughly 800 customers, staff and investors from 30 countries. Quick take: ANSYScustomers do cool stuff, use cool tools and are excited about the possibilities the nextproduct...
MSC Q2 earnings release provides some unusual factoids
MSC Software, like most public companies, provides information in its quarterly earnings releases that leave analysts wondering why a particular nugget was worthy of inclusion. Since all information provided is fair game, following are a few additional conclusions...
Autodesk’s streak continues
Autodesk handily beat market expectations for the second fiscal quarter of 2009, reportingtotal revenue of $620 million, up 18% over last year and ahead its own earlier forecast.Excluding foreign exchange effects, total revenue was up 10%. Moldlfow contributed...
ANSYS glitters — again
ANSYS once again announced results that beat expectations – for something like the 50thtime in a row. ANSYS reported Q2 2008 revenue of $111 million, up 21% from a year ago(and not including any contribution from Ansoft, which closed after the quarter ended). On...
MSC Software reports a mixed bag for Q2 2008
On August 5, 2008, MSC Software reported revenue of $64.4 million, up 6% due primarily togrowth in the maintenance revenue stream, with a quarterly profit that topped Wall Streetexpectations by a penny – yet the share price declined 20 cents. Clearly, investors...
Hip like me!
Never let it be said that I am not cool. I have a Nintendo Wii -- and now an avatar, courtesy of http://www.faceyourmanga.com where you can get one too. More serious stuff coming after vacation. Lots of earnings, Autodesk acquires more companies -- and announces how...
Dassault Systèmes reports solid Q2 but shares fall anyway
It’s tough being a public company. Dassault Systèmes announced solid second quarterresults today: revenue up, non-GAAP earnings per share slightly ahead of expectations,solid and solid-ish contributions from all brands and all geographies… and still its share priceis...
Autodesk gives first look at Plassotech integration
You may remember that Autodesk expanded its footprint into CAE with the acquisition of Plassotech just about a year ago. At the time, Plassotech had a small but devoted following; many thought its CAE solutions were on par with more established, extensive offerings...
PTC continues to roll
PTC announced earnings after the market closed on July 22, reporting revenue of $273 million for the fiscal third quarter of 2008, ahead of expectations – and up 21%,over last FQ3 due in no small part to the contribution of CoCreate. A couple of interesting tidbits...