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You don’t look to me for political or social commentary (and feel free to ignore this post) but the horrific tragedy in Connecticut cannot be ignored. It came up at every holiday get-together, public performance and private conversation this weekend and it’s going to take a while for me, at any rate, to get back to normal.

I can’t possibly express myself as well as Mike Graston did on Saturday, in the Windsor Star newspaper of Windsor, Ontario, Canada:

According to the Star, the cartoon went viral as people came to the newspaper’s website and saw the image on Facebook. The paper writes,

“What I was looking for in this situation was that I felt that nothing could be said, but rather that it had to be embodied in the feeling and movement,” said Graston, who said he paid close detail to the anatomy in the slouching, the absence of faces, the hug itself – it was all part of the gesture that had to be depicted perfectly for viewers to grasp the pure grief of the massacre.

Let us work through our grief and anger to make sure that this never happens again.

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